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Friday Nov 6th


8:30am // Opening Remarks with Dr. Sonia Hernandez


9:00am // Dr. Jonna Mazet: One Health: A Solution-Oriented Approach in the Face of a Pandemic; Keynote


10:30am // Dr. Sam Rivera: Conservation Medicine; From the Clinic to the Field


11:30am // Dr. Nicole Nemeth: Wildlife Mortality Investigations:  Approaches and Memorable Cases


12:30pm // Lunch and Learn with Dr. Fernando Esperon: Problems Interpreting Diagnostic Assays in Wildlife (In Spanish/En Español)


2:00pm // Dr. Terry Norton: Diamondback Terrapin Conservation Program at the GSTC


3:00pm // Dr. Joe Gaydos: One Health and the Ocean: 70% of the Earth’s Surface has to Matter


4:00pm // Dr. Bran Ritchie: Plasticosis is a Ticking Health Bomb


5:00pm //  Dr. Rita McManamon: Great Ape Health Project


6:00pm // Social Hour



Saturday Nov 7th


8:15am // Opening Remarks with Dr. Sonia Hernandez


8:30am // Dr. Robin Radcliffe: Krakatau, Sea Levels and Disease: Risks to the Last Population of Javan Rhinos on Earth; Keynote


10:00am //  Dr. Tom Gillespie: Pathogen Introduction as a Threat to Endangered Primates


11:00am // Dr. Nicole Gottdenker: Wildlife Diseases Associated with Land Use Change


12:00pm // Dr. Nadine Lamberski: Conservation and a One Health Approach – Where Do Zoos Fit In?


12:30pm // Lunch and Learn with Dr. Megin Nichols: Multistate Enteric Illness Outbreaks Linked to Animal Contact: One Health in Action


2:30pm // Dr. Christopher Cleveland: Into the Dragon's Lair: Research and One Health in the Face of Guinea Worm Eradication


3:30pm // Dr. Buffy Howerth: Bad Juju from Wildlife and Associated Liver Pathology


4:30pm // Dr. Michael YabsleyTracking an Invader: Surveillance and Research on the Exotic Asian Longhorned Tick in the Eastern United States


5:30pm // Dr. Peri Wolff: Patience, persistence and Existing Outside Your Comfort Zone; Lessons Learned from a Career in Conservation


7:00pm // Career Panel (click for info!)

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