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Research & Publications

Below you will find partial lists of our research projects and our lab's publications.

Research Projects | click to learn more

White Ibis Health  â€¢  Kitty Cam  â€¢  Green Sea Turtle Nutrition  â€¢  Epidemiology of Salmonella  â€¢  Tapir Project

See Current Graduate Students for other research being conducted in the lab.

Publications | visit Hernandez CV for more up to date publications

* = Dr. Hernandez served as senior or corresponding author; when I am in last position that indicates position as Principal Investigator initiating research, GST (graduate), UST (undergraduate), or VST (veterinary) students under Dr. Hernandez’s supervision. # = DVM intern/resident under Dr. Hernandez’s supervision). Note that some publications reflect previous legal last names: Foerster and Hernandez-Divers


Books authored


  • Hernandez SM, H. W. Barron, E. Miller, R. Aguilar, & M. J. Yabsley (Eds.). Medical Management of Wildlife Species: A Guide for Practitioners. 30 Wiley Publishing, October 2019.

  • *Hernandez-Divers SM. 2002. Keeping Unusual Pets: Geckos. Textbook for children ages 8-10. Heinemann Library, Oxford, UK. ISBN# 1403408300

  • *Hernandez-Divers SM. 2002. Keeping Unusual Pets: Snakes. Textbook for children ages 8-10. Heinemann Library, Oxford, UK. 2002. ISBN# 1403402841


Book Chapters | 4 book chapters published prior to 2008 are not listed


  • Hernandez SM, Murray M. Land Use Changes. In: Avian Disease Ecology. Owen J, Huyvaert K, and Hawley D (eds). Oxford University Press, In Press, 2020

  • Hernandez SM. Salmonellosis. In: Field manual of wildlife diseases in the southeastern United States. Nemeth NM, Yabsley MJ (eds). In Review, 2020.

  • Jessup D, Hernandez SM, Lepszyk C, CHerkassky L and Gerhold R. Wild Birds, Cats and One Health. In: Current Therapy in Avian Medicine and Surgery. Speer B (ed). Elsevier, In Press, 2020.

  • *Hernandez SM and MJ Yabsley. 2012. Chapter 21: Wildlife Disease Ecology: What Can Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians Learn from This Discipline? In: R. E. Miller and M. Fowler (eds). Fowler & Miller Current Therapy 7. 161-169.

  • Zimmerman D and Hernandez SM. Tapiridae. In ME Fowler and RE Miller, Ed. Fowler’s Zoo and Wildlife Animal Medicine: Current Therapy, 8th Volume. In press, 2013.

  • *Hernandez SM. Chemical Immobilization of Wild Animals. In K Clark and C Trim. Veterinary Anaesthesia, 11th Ed. In press, 2013.

  • #Perpinan D, Hernandez-Divers SM and Hernandez-Divers SJ. Ofidios (Snakes). Atlas de Medicina, Terapéutica y Patología de Animales Exóticos (Atlas of Medicine, Therapy and Pathology of Exotic Animals). Pp 119-139. CHAPTER WAS SIGNIFICANTLY UPDATED IN 2008 FOR 2nd EDITION

  • #Perpinan D, Hernandez-Divers SM and Hernandez-Divers SJ. Saurios (Lizards). Atlas de Medicina, Terapéutica y Patología de Animales Exóticos (Atlas of Medicine, Therapy and Pathology of Exotic Animals). Pp 141-173. CHAPTER WAS SIGNIFICANTLY UPDATED IN 2008 FOR 2nd EDITION

  • *Hernandez-Divers SM and Hernandez-Divers SJ. Quelonios (Chelonia). Atlas de Medicina, Terapéutica y Patología de Animales Exóticos (Atlas of Medicine, Therapy and Pathology of Exotic Animals). Pp 175-211. CHAPTER WAS SIGNIFICANTLY UPDATED IN 2008 FOR 2nd EDITION


Lay Publications or Technical Reports | one prior to 2015 not listed


  • Hernandez, SM., Yabsley, M., Beasley, J., GSTLanda, C., Webster, S., & Beasley, R. 2017. Population Estimation of Coyotes on Sanibel Island, FL: Population Estimation of Coyotes on Sanibel Island, FL.

  • Hernandez, SM., Murray, M.H. 2017. Bird, Wildlife, and Salmonella: SCWDS Briefs 33(2): 10.

  • Hernandez SM. 2015. GI Bacteria in Pet Geckos. SCWDS Briefs 30(4): 2-3.

  • Hernandez, SM., Beasley, J. C., GSTLanda, C., Webster, S., & Yabsley, M. 2016. Understanding coyote colonization of Sanibel Island, FL. Submitted to The Sanibel Coyote Working Group.


Journal articles | peer reviewed


Continuing education


  • Hernandez SM. 2013. Salmonellosis and Songbirds. SCWDS Briefs 28(4): 2-4.

  • GST Gonzales-Astudillo and SM Hernandez. 2012. Avian Salmonellosis. WSFNR Wildlife Management WMS-12-14. 5 pp.

  • Hernandez SM. 2012. Cats on Candid Cameras. 2012. SCWDS Briefs 28(2):2-3


Scientific journals | in prep or internal review


  • *Hernandez SM, Welch CN, Curry S, Peters V, Yabsley MJ, Kistler W, Lipp E, Conway A, Maurer J, and Sanchez S. Urban White ibis (Eudocimus albus) are reservoirs of Salmonella spp in South Florida. In internal review for Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

  • *Hernandez SM, Boone, SS, Wilcox B, Sanchez S, Madden, M, Presotto A, Maurer J, and Lipp E. Prevalence and serotype diversity of Salmonella spp in mesomammals from Georgia. In prep for Journal of Wildlife Diseases.

  • *Hernandez SM, Yabslely, MJ, Sanchez S, Madden, M, Presotto A, Maurer J, and Lipp E. Aquatic Turtles as Environmental Indicators of Salmonella spp in the Southeast. In prep for EcoHealth.

  • GST Robinson G, Mills G, Lindell A, Schweitzer SH, and Hernandez SM. Exposure to mercury and Aroclor 1268 in least terns (Sternula antillarum) in Georgia. In internal review for Environmental Toxicology.

  • GST Robinson, Hernandez SM, Schweitzer SH, and G, Mills. Sublethal effects associated with Mercury and PCB exposure in Least Terns. In internal review for Journal of Wildlife Diseases.

  • GST González-Astudillo V, Hernandez SM, Keel KM, Munk B, Fischer JR, Brown J and Nemeth NM. Avian mortality events from infectious and non-infectious causes presented to the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study from 1972-2012: A Retrospective Analysis. In internal review for Journal of Avian Biology.

  • Maurer JJ, Martin G, Hernandez SM, Cheng Y, Gerner-Schmidt P, Hise KB, Cole D, Sanchez S, Madden M, Valeika S and Lipp E.Genetic Diversity of Salmonella enterica Associated with Litter River and Oconee River Basins in Georgia. In internal review for Applied and Environmental Microbiology.


Scientific journals | submitted or in revisions


  • Hernandez, SM, Weygandt PL, Reeves JX, Mendellhall CD, Ritchie BW, Carroll CR, Sanchez S. Antimicrobial Resistance of Neotropical Avian Fecal Flora Reflects Human Activity. American Journal of Veterinary Research. Revision submitted August 2013

  • GST Conway, AL, deMaar, TW, Hernandez, SM, and Carroll, JP.  Evaluation of Radio Transmitter Attachments for the Pygmy Hippopotamus. Submitted March 2013 to Wildlife Research

  • VST Conrad J, VST Norman J, Rodriguez A, Dennis P, Arguedas R, Jimenez C, Yabsley MJ and *Hernandez SM. Survey of domestic pets for exposure to and infection with selected pathogens and the implications for wild carnivore and human health in Costa Rica. Ecohealth In revision

  • GST Casey CL, SM Hernandez, MJ Yabsley, KF Smith, and S Sanchez. The carriage of antimicrobial resistance by the enteric bacteria from imported Tokay gecko (Gekko gecko) destined for the pet trade. Journal of Wildlife Diseases In revision


Scientific journals | published, accepted / in press (5 most recent)


  • Francisco R, Hernandez SM, Mead DG, Adcock KG, Burke SC, Nemeth NM, Yabsley MJ. SARS-CoV-2 Susceptibility: Raccoons and Skunks Experimental susceptibility of North American raccoons (Procyon lotor) and striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) to SARS-CoV-2. Front. Vet. Sci., 2022. Sec. Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics.

  • Hernandez SM, Maurer J, Yabsley MJ, Peters VE, Presotto A, Murray MH, Curry S, Sanchez S, Gerner-Smidt P, Hise K, Huang J, Johnson K, Kwan T, Lipp EK. Free-Living Aquatic Turtles as Sentinels of Salmonella spp. for Water Bodies. Front Vet Sci. 2021 Jul 22;8:674973. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.674973. eCollection 2021.

  • Silva Seixas J, Hernandez SM, Kunkel MR, Weyna AAW, Yabsley MJ, Shender L, Nemeth NM. 2021. West Nile Virus Infections in an Urban Colony of American White Ibises (Eudocimus albus) in South Florida. J Wildl Dis. 2022 Jan 1;58(1):205-210. doi: 10.7589/JWD-D-21-00030.

  • Hernandez SM, Curry SE, Murray MH, Hoopes LA, Nilsen R, Gregory C, Ritchie B, Adkins K, Cooper RE, Ellison TJ, Adams HC, Yabsley MJ, Howerth E, Gottdenker N. Mortality event in a wild-caught experimental colony of captive American white ibis (Eudocimus albus) associated with proventriculitis infection with a Macrorhabdus species. In review Journal of Wildlife Diseases, submitted March 2021.

  • Murray MH, Hernandez SM, Rozier RS, Kidd AD, Hepinstall-Cymerman J, Curry SE, Yabsley MJ, Adams H, Ellison T, Welch CN, Lipp E. Site fidelity is associated with food provisioning and Salmonella in an urban wading bird. Ecohealth. 2021 Sep;18(3):345-358.doi: 10.1007/s10393-021-01543-x. Epub 2021 Aug 27.


© Hernandez Wildlife Disease Lab; Website & Design by Henry Adams; Updated by Ethan Cooper


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