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Tapir Project

In collaboration with the Costa Rica Wildlife Foundation (CRWF), its Baird's tapir interdisciplinary project -Nai Conservation- and the Osa Conservation, PhD Candidate and Costa Rican veterinarian Dr. Jorge Rojas followed Dr. Hernandez footsteps with tapir research and conservation. With his investigation he aims to 1) understand tapir distribution, movement and habitat preferences at a fragmented landscape of the Tenorio-Miravalles Biological Corridor (TMBC) by deploying camera traps and outfitting tapirs with GPS radiocollars, 2) describe the relationships between key stakeholders and tapir conservation, and to 3) apply mitigation strategies -electric fencing and natural repellents- to reduce human-tapir conflicts at TMBC. Jorge is devoted for team work and to contribute to tapir conservation at local communities through community-based solutions at TMBC. 


© Hernandez Wildlife Disease Lab; Website & Design by Henry Adams; Updated by Ethan Cooper


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