Courses Taught
Below you will find a comprehensive list of the courses taught by Dr. Hernandez.

SUMMER in Costa Rica: Conservation Medicine-Conservation Biology
Conservation medicine is an emerging field that is concerned with the interface between human health, animal health (both wild and domestic) and ecosystem health. It is a synthesis of the fields of veterinary medicine, public health, ecology, forestry and natural resources and the principles of conservation biology, biogeography, population genetics, economics, sociology, anthropology, philosophy and other disciplines to understand and maintain biological diversity throughout the world. Duration: 4 weeks (31 days); Course Credit Hours: 6 credit hours.
FALL Wildlife Disease: Ecology, Investigation and Management (WILD 8500) 3 credit hours
Now more than ever, wildlife disease investigation and management are skills required of wildlife veterinarians, biologists, population ecologists and many other disciplines. This course aims to integrate traditional wildlife disease investigation with wildlife disease ecology, as it specifically applies to investigation, and management of empirical examples. Students of this course should have some basic foundational knowledge on specific host-pathogen relationships and a working knowledge of common wildlife diseases, but this is not required, as students can learn these details on their own. We will discuss the investigation of wildlife disease at a national and international level, the management of disease and how disease ecology is informing the field of wildlife disease investigation.
FALL First Year Odyssey Seminar (One Health in Practice) 1 credit hour
This seminar is intended to get you excited about studying natural history and wildlife. If you are a pre-health major, this course will likely be germane to your future careers as an understanding of how public, animal, and ecosystem health are central to a holistic approach to health. If you are interested in the factors that influence health in general, this course is for you!
SPRING Field Ornithology (WILD 4060/6060) 4 credit hours
This course aims to familiarize students with avian biology, including anatomy and physiology, behavior, ecology, evolution, and conservation. Lab and field exercises emphasize taxonomy and identification of North American birds through use of field labs and study skins.
SPRING Field Ornithology (WILD 4060/6060) 4 credit hours
This course aims to familiarize students with avian biology, including anatomy and physiology, behavior, ecology, evolution, and conservation. Lab and field exercises emphasize taxonomy and identification of North American birds through use of field labs and study skins.
SPRING or FALL Teaching Practicum (FANR 7900/9900) 1-10 credit hours
This seminar-style course is designed to provide graduate teaching assistants at all levels with an opportunity to learn about pedagogical approaches that are effective at the college level. Students will be encourage to practice and discuss various aspects of their teaching assignments and to become familiar with the resources and professional development opportunities available to them at UGA.
If you are a veterinary student and are interested in doing an externship at the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Study (SCWDS), pleasecontact me. A description of the requirements needed to apply can be found at www.scwds.org.
If you are a wildlife undergraduate or a veterinary student and are interested in doing independent research with our lab please contact Dr. Hernandez. Click here to visit her page where you'll find methods of contact.